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Efficiency and Quality with the forging simulator

Today’s market is becoming more and more competitive. High standard levels, quick feedback and reduced time to market are no longer optional requirements, but basic needs to be granted.

To face these new challenges, Brawo Spa invested in advanced technologies like the most up-to-date simulation software, that reproduces virtually production conditions with extreme precision.

What is a forging simulator?

A forging simulator is an innovative software that allows to simulate the material flow when deforming during the forging process. Practically, we can see all that happens when the billet becomes a finished product.

Thanks to the amount of data available and the yearly-developed know-how, the simulator can now provide extremely accurate predictions, showing in a reliable way the deformation flow and the specific reactions of each material.

Pros of simulating

The advanced simulator has completely changed our approach to design and production, allowing us to obtain solid results as regards both operative efficiency and products quality. Among the main advantages that this technology offers every day, we can surely mention the following.

Less defects and scraps

Anticipating and correcting defects such as cracks, folds and incomplete die fillings, already during the design step, severely reduces the risk of creating scraps and production downtime. Moreover, in case of non-conformity, the simulator is a useful resource to analyze the root causes and validate the corrective actions.

Process optimization

The simulation allows to study and optimize every step of the brass forging and aluminum forging process. For example, we are able to adapt or change the process parameters and the tooling when analyzing the thermal distribution and the tension status of the parts during the deformation. This allows to improve the quality of the final product and the dies lifetime.

Reduced lead-time and engineering costs

Simulating the forging process in a virtual environment avoids the need for several tests in production and allows to identify and solve potential problems already. Not only the development of new products is faster, but we can quickly meet the market’s demands minimizing the lead-time and the engineering costs.

Brawo efforts with innovation and quality

Using the simulation software is not only a technological choice, but it’s a strategic step that mirrors our goals to keep high quality standards, to optimize the production process and to reduce the time to market.

Thanks to advanced tools like the simulator, we are able to grant the most up-to-date production processes, supporting our customers during the design of their projects and creating mutual trust. In Brawo Spa we strongly believe that customers should be the focus of our activity.

, Efficiency and Quality with the forging simulator