Wearable devices monitor health, fostering a proactive approach to well-being.



Brawo Code of Ethics: a constant commitment to a responsible and human-scale working environment

Integrity has always been at the centre of Brawo’s business.

For more than ten years, Brawo’s Code of Ethics has been a compass that guides us towards honest and responsible relationships with employees, suppliers and customers.

It is not just a mere list of rules, but a constant commitment to create an increasingly human-scale working enviroment.

Most updated revision of Brawo Code of Ethics

We are happy to announce that the new revision of the Brawo Code of Ethics is now available.

This further step is a tangible sign of our efforts to build an environment where fairness is a must, and individual growth is encouraged and cultivated.

The Code of Ethics is an integral part of our company culture and has been present at Brawo since 2006. Over those years, we have gone on working to create a positive environment that goes beyond simple written words, embracing ethics as a fundamental part of the corporate identity.

Relationships beyond the office: stakeholder involvement

We believe that correct professional relationships not only improves everyone’s daily work, but contributes to the success of the entire organization.

Our hard work and dedication does not stop at the office doors, but involves all our stakeholders, from customers to suppliers.

Brawo wants solid, values-based relationships with everyone we encounter in our work environment.

, Brawo Code of Ethics: a constant commitment to a responsible and human-scale working environment